Autumn Favourites 2015

Autumn Favourites 2015

Hello everybody! Guess who’s back, back again, Sara’s back, tell a friend... It’s been around two months since I posted my last post and I feel like I totally isolated myself from blogging- since October I haven’t written a single post, read anyoneMore

Keeping your Lungs Healthy│National Healthy Lung Month

Keeping your Lungs Healthy│National Healthy Lung Month

Hello everybody! As you may or may not know, October is National healthy lung month and because of that I was asked by a lovely Heather Von St. James to help raise awareness. At first I was a bit sceptical, as I thoughtMore

Would I Survive The Hunger Games?

Would I Survive The Hunger Games?

Hello everybody! I was a bit bored today- actually I was supposed to clean my room, but let’s forget that- and because of that I’ve decided to find and take some funny and interesting quizzes. I found some quizzes I didn’t even realiseMore

Zagreb and Eurobasket 2015

Zagreb and Eurobasket 2015

Hello everybody! A few weeks ago, on September 10th to be exact, we went on a school trip to Zagreb, Croatia. I’ve never been to Zagreb before, but I was really excited to visit it, since my mother went to school there andMore

Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

Hello everybody! Not long ago a lovely blogger styleccentricfashion nominated me for Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award, for which I'm extremely thankful! I was really excited and I couldn't wait to write this post, so here are the questions I have to answer: HowMore